I celebrated National Cinema Day at the theatre for 6 hours.

Blue Beetle

I have adored Xolo Mariduena from the moment I saw him as a kid on TV’s Parenthood.  His sweetness and inherent goodness is one of the reasons that Cobra Kai is such a success.  To sum it up Xolo has that “It Factor,” and now he proves it on the big screen as DC’s newest crusader.  The Blue Beetle at first glance is a B superhero.  His superpowers are not particularly mind blowing and consist of gadgets that pale in comparison to Batman’s arsenal.  Moreover, the “Bug Ship was so silly that I half expected an Orkin truck to be following it from behind.  Nevertheless, what Blue Beetle lacks in tech it more than makes up in heart.  Blue Beetle is an immigrant story rooted in familial love.  Never white washing the characters, everything is seen from a Mexican perspective.  Mispronounced names are corrected, subtitles are prevalent and the soundtrack vibrates with a Latino flavour.  Moreover, the comedy is hilarious and George Lopez must be commended for his dead pan delivery and quips.  Blue Beetle breaks down an array of stereotypes from what it means to be a true hero to the belief that the DC universe is only comprised of dark unflinching characters.  For the first time we witness a superhero movie in which the protagonist’s true superpower is the strength of his family and their ability to work together to fight injustice.  This movie has an excellent cast, the dialogue is funny and the presentation is fresh.  Definitely worth a full price admission.

Gran Turismo

I will just come out and say it, was this movie necessary?  I know it sounds rough but I left the theatre wondering who demanded to have this “true story” told?  Firstly, I’ll start with the good:  David Harbour is amazing.  He steals each scene with conviction and even makes receiving a Sony Digital Walkman in the movie a moment of great emotion, (in direct contrast to the great disappointment any other person would feel.)  His talent is wasted and I recommend Violent Night and Stranger Things: Season 4 for a fun Harbour-centric experience.  The Bad:  Orlando Bloom.  When did Bloom lose his ability to act because his performance is based solely on a variety of bizarre facial expressions and over the top shouting.  (I miss Legolas.)  Plot wise the story is haphazardly glued together with foreign locales and various difficulty stages with few electrifying moments in between.  However, it is worth noting that when the movie reached its climactic finish line the entire audience began to clap very loudly.  Did I miss something?  Have I lost touch with my first generation PlayStation?  Or maybe it’s that fact that at its core Gran Turismo is an underdog story, and who doesn’t love seeing someone overcome the odds.  Gran Turismo is worth the $4 admission, but gives off a strong straight to streaming vibe.


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Summer 2023 Snack-Sized Movie Reviews